15 Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor

Do you often forget the questions you want to ask your doctor? This happens to a lot of people, so I decided to put together a list of questions that as an integrative women’s health coach, I feel are important to ask your doctor. Asking questions is one of the best ways to ensure that you and your medical team are on the same page. Being an active participant is key to getting the care and treatment that you want.


1.  Are there other options for treatment? How safe is each option?

Knowing that your doctor is ok with looking at different, perhaps integrative/holistic/naturopathic approaches is a must for me. This tells me they are open to multiple treatment options.


2. What do you think is causing this problem?

Your doctor should be able to tell you, but if they can’t they should refer you to a specialist or run tests.


3. Could it be more than one thing?

Many conditions can mirror another condition(s), so this is a great question to ask to rule out other issues.


4. What tests will you be running to confirm this diagnosis?

Tests can be scary and they can be expensive. It’s great to have all the information you can get for your peace of mind and your wallet.


5. How much will this treatment cost?

Getting a cost-benefit analysis on available treatment will help you make an informed decision that works for you. Unfortunately, not all holistic or integrative therapies are covered by insurance so it’s important to know the cost ahead of time.


6. What is the long-term outlook for this condition?

Will you be able to have a procedure and then feel 100% better, or is it something that you will be managing for some time or the rest of your life even?


7. When can I expect to hear back about the test results?

This is key. You shouldn’t have to wait weeks or months for labs or other test results. Occasionally specialty labs will take a couple of weeks, but as a rule, you should have labs back within a week. Anxiety will only make the situation worse. If your doctor doesn’t mention this, ask.


8. Is it necessary to do this now or can it wait?

Your doctor should tell you whether immediate action is necessary or not.


9. What side effects are related to this treatment?

Medication or procedures can cause different side effects and may vary by individual as well.


10. Is the treatment safe?

Good question, right? But maybe not something patients are used to asking? Always ask.


11. Will my current medications be adversely affected by this treatment for this condition?

Medications can interact with each other differently. Women should always ask if the medication will affect her birth control.


12. What outcome should I expect/how will my life be different?

You may think that you’ll feel great once you take medicine or have a procedure. But, that’s not always the case. You may feel better in some areas, but not in others.


13. Should I get a second opinion?

Depending on your doctor’s area of practice, they should refer you to a specialist. If your doctor is a specialist and you feel in any way uncomfortable with their care plan, seek a second opinion.


14. Is there anything I can do on my own to make this better?

Many times lifestyle changes can help you feel better and sometimes even reverse certain conditions. As a Hashimoto’s and Lyme warrior, I eat a gluten-free, soy-free, canola-oil and sugar-free diet help me feel better overall and keep my thyroid healthier.


15. Are there any other questions I should be asking?

I think this is a really excellent question and most providers I’ve worked with like it. It gives them a chance to pause and think if anything been missed in the discussion and also shows them how engaged you are in your health.

Most doctors will welcome your participation in the conversation, if they don’t it’s probably time to find a new health care provider. If you’re too ill to ask these questions yourself, take someone with you to the appointment. You could even print this post and give it to them. It’s always good to be prepared.


If you’re struggling and want a coach who will mentor you and guide you on your path to hormone balance sign up for your free consult today.  If you’re already an active participant in your wellness journey, was it something you did intuitively or something you learned? Look out for more posts on becoming your own advocate and women’s wellness.


15 Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor
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