Living Your Life, Not A Lifestyle

The Noise

We all want to live our best, most authentic life, yet we often caught up in all the noise, all the “I should do that”, “I have to do this”, and then overwhelm takes over and you don’t go anywhere. When we start listening to the noise we stop listening to ourselves, we get stuck, and we stop living our authentic life. I see this so often in the online entrepreneur sphere. People get caught up in the constant stream of emails and glitzy online sales ads telling them if they just do this one thing they will be successful.

Sure, there are great steps to take and tools to use, but no one thing will lead you to success. And really before you know it you’re subscribed to 65 different people telling you 65 different things and you start to feel like a failure, because you’re not doing all those different things, and if you’re not doing all those things in exactly the right sequence how can you be a success? How will you make 6-7 figures in your first month? You’ve gone down the rabbit hole of overwhelm, and really of trying to live a life or have a business that doesn’t fit your lifestyle.

The Dream

That perfect dream of having an online business so you can stay home with your kids, or be your own boss has turned into a 26 hr (wait aren’t there only 24 hrs in a day?) a day hustle and no one is happy and you certainly aren’t making 6 figures, you’re probably barely getting by. It’s time to take a deep breath and get back to basics. It’s time to create a business that works with your lifestyle and the lifestyle you want to lead.


Living Your Lifestyle

This doesn’t mean you don’t have to work hard, but you need to shut out the noise and remember why you started your business, or find your passion if you weren’t doing something you loved in the first place. Really dialing down into what you want in your lifestyle and putting manageable and attainable goals in place is a great place to start. A stay-at-home mom may only have 10 hours a week to work towards her business, while someone else may have 40 hours a week to work towards their business. That’s why it’s so important to shut out the noise because no one online offer is going to work for everyone.

In order to create your authentic life, you have to get real with yourself.  You need to get clear on what you want both in business and life, and what aligns with you. Without clarity and alignment, you will continue to struggle with finding your path.



Here are some tips to start living your authentic life today:

Without clarity for your vision, you will continue to struggle and repeat the same mistakes.


Set Lifestyle Goals
Living your authentic life means setting goals for the lifestyle you want to live. Some of my lifestyle goals are practice yoga daily, visit Morocco and South Africa in 2018, never work more than 40 hours, and have more time with my kids.


Map out Your Vision
Your vision will change over time, so don’t stress about how you know what you will want in 5 or 10 years. But do let it guide you. Map it out, put it up in a prominent place that you will see it every day. Live it, be it.


Find Balance
Finding balance is a universal struggle for all my clients. It’s a struggle for everyone. Striving for balance is important because without you will burn out. I know, because I burned out last year and it’ s not fun. Someways to maintain balance, turn off notifications on your phone, don’t read emails first thing in the morning, do something for you each day. Listen to your body and mind, and recharge.


Choose Happiness
We can choose to be happy or unhappy. Regardless of our circumstances, we choose how we react. Choosing happiness will always get you further.


Traveling is an amazing way to get a deeper understanding of yourself and to be grateful. I’m lucky to have been able to travel extensively and live abroad. It has made me a more understanding human in every way.


Be Grateful
Being grateful is like choosing happiness, it’s your choice. Be grateful for the success you have achieved, big, small, personal or business related. A gratitude journal is a great way to be intentional about gratitude and there are many health benefits to it as well. Gratitude, appreciation, happiness, and love are keys to living a full, authentic life.


My path to clarity and finding what I do has been winding, but I have found my way. My passion for women’s health propelled me to become an integrative women’s health coach and environmental toxins educator. If you think you may be suffering from hormone imbalance or have issues with your menstrual cycle, book your free 15-minute call with me today!


Living Your Life, Not A Lifestyle

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Read the first chapter of Passports and Parasites for free!

Embark on a 15-year journey from war-torn Baghdad to sunny Curaçao, filled with humor, surprises, and even parasites. Discover resilience and health insights as we navigate life's highs and lows, promising laughter, inspiration, and practical solutions. Grab your passport and get ready for this extraordinary escapade!

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