Seed Cycling for Hormone Balance

Do you suffer from PMS symptoms, low energy, cramps, or irregular menstrual cycles? Maybe you have hot flashes or weight gain? Are you looking for a natural way to balance your hormones? You are not alone.  Women around the world are looking for natural ways to balance their hormones.


Hormone imbalance can be a big reason for these symptoms, especially when there is an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.


Your monthly cycle is dominated by estrogen during the first half, and by progesterone in the second half, with a corresponding decline in estrogen. An imbalance between these two hormones can cause multiple symptoms like the ones listed above.


As I was doing research for a group cleanse I did last fall, I came upon seed cycling (also known as seed rotation) and I was really curious. When I started hearing more about it on podcasts and blogs and decided I needed to try it myself.


While there isn’t much research on seed cycling, women around the world use it for natural hormone balance. I recently began seed cycling to see what effect it would have on my luteal phase, and after two months it was extended one day which is a win in my book. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at what seed cycling is.


What is Seed Cycling

Seed cycling is the practice of using different seeds to help balance your hormones during your follicular (flax, pumpkin) and luteal phases (sesame, sunflower). Flax and pumpkin seed boost your estrogen levels in your follicular phase, and sesame and sunflower seeds boost progesterone levels in the luteal phase.


Seed cycling can help alleviate the symptoms of estrogen dominance and can help with:

  • Irregular periods
  • Heavy flows
  • Terrible PMS (bloating, moods, pain, energy, headaches)
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Breast lumps
  • Thyroid Nodules
  • Fibrocystic and painful breasts
  • Low thyroid issues
  • Hair loss and brittle hair
  • Weight gain around the hip and thighs
  • Water retention
  • Cellulite


Seed cycling is also beneficial for women in perimenopause and menopause by helping to reduce:

  • hot flashes
  • night sweats
  • fatigue
  • mood swings


If you are no longer menstruating or you have irregular cycles, you can follow the moon cycles. For example, you would start Phase 1 cycling on the new moon and Phase 2 cycling on the full moon, approximately 14 days later.


How to Seed Cycle

For best results, buy quality ingredients and prepare them appropriately. See below for preparation tips.


Cycle Day 1-14: Follicular phase, also known as Phase 1

1 TSP organic, raw, fresh-ground flax seed

1 TSP organic, raw, fresh-ground pumpkin seed

And/or  high-quality fish oil or vegan equivalent


Flax seeds contain high amounts of lignans, a phytoestrogen, which have the ability to block estrogen receptors, halting your body from making excess estrogen.


Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of zinc and omega-6 which support immunity, reproductive health, and protein absorption.


Cycle Day 15-28 Luteal Phase, also known as Phase 2

1 TSP organic, raw, fresh-ground sesame seed

1 TSP organic, raw, fresh-ground sunflower seed

Evening Primrose Oil (1500-2000mg daily). *Do not take in the second half of your cycle if you are trying to conceive


Sesame Seeds help balance estrogen while boosting progesterone. They are rich in minerals and contain high levels of lignans.


Sunflower seeds are high in Vitamin E, the body’s primary fat-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin E supports reproductive health and sunflower seeds improve liver detoxification.


Seed Preparation:

Seeds can go rancid quickly, so I recommend storing them in an airtight container in the refrigerator,  and only grinding 1-2 days worth at a time. You can use a coffee grinder or food processor to prepare the seeds.


I’ve found that adding the ground seeds to my morning smoothie is an easy way to integrate them into your diet. Other great ways are to add them to salads, soups, sprinkle on your veggies, yogurt or oatmeal. You can also eat them alone, but the seeds need to be ground for better absorption of the essential fatty acids.


Now What?

The protocol can take some time and you might not notice anything at first. After all, your hormones didn’t become unbalanced overnight. It can take 2-3 months to notice changes, which may include better mood, less tender breasts, less painful cramps, fewer night sweats, and a longer luteal phase.


Frequently Asked Questions About Seed Cycling

My cycle is somewhat regular. Is seed cycling still for me?

Yes, you can start phase 1 of the seeds on the first full day of your period. You will then switch to phase 2 on day 15 of your cycle.


I am not currently menstruating but would like to try seed cycling to help bring my period naturally. What day should I start?

If you are not currently menstruating, it is best to begin seed cycling on the new moon. Switch to phase 2 seeds on day 15. By following this phase of the moon, your menstrual cycle may come back quicker. If you are in menopause and no longer supporting a cycle, seed cycling is a great way to support your body with the added nutrients and to balance your hormones.


I’m currently pregnant. Is seed cycling a good option for me?

No, seed cycling protocol is not intended for pregnant women.


I have bad cramps with my period. Can seed cycling help?

Yes, seed cycling can help with cramps by balancing your hormones. For more ways to help naturally manage your menstrual cramps check out my blog.


Can I start seed cycling during any part of my cycle or do I need to wait until my next period?

No, you can start anytime during your cycle, but just take the seeds that correspond to the phase you’re in.


Do I need to soak the seeds?

Soaking the seeds can help with digestibility, especially if you have a digestive issue, but it’s not mandatory. Another option is to sprout your own seeds.



The Seed Cycling method can be an easy and inexpensive way to help balance your hormones. I always recommend a hormone test before you start on any protocol and highly recommend the DUTCH test. You can order one here.


I love hearing from readers and hope you found this blog helpful. Please let me know in the comments.


Be sure to share this post with any woman you think might benefit from it and share on social media.

Follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook for more awesome period info and to see what I’m up to in Nigeria.

Catch up on all my blogs over at Green Papaya Health!


How to use seed cycling for hormone health.

Seed Cycling for Hormone Balance
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2 thoughts on “Seed Cycling for Hormone Balance”

    1. Hi Rosaline,

      Thank you for your comment. I do recommend seed cycling for hormone balance and think it could be helpful for you. You should always consult with your physician before starting a new regimen.

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