The truth about detoxing – 4 biggest myths debunked

Thanks to much of what we hear in the media, detoxing has earned a reputation for being unhealthy and even unsafe. When you hear the word “detox,” so you immediately think of all-liquid diets, expensive supplements, and short-term deprivation for short-term gains?   The truth is, a detox doesn’t have to involve any of the above—and if you detox in a healthy, supportive manner, you can achieve lasting results in weight loss, increased energy, and ...

Why Omega-3 Fats are Essential & Exceptional

You can’t open a magazine or newspaper without reading about them. Yet Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (or Omega-3s, for short) remains one of the top American nutrient deficiencies! The body needs all sorts of different fats to function properly. Even saturated fats play a critical role in survival. Like a miraculous chemistry set, the body can typically convert most types of fat into whatever type it is missing. Omega-3s, however, are an exception. They are ...
Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Food Allergies and Sensitivities: What You Need to Know

The old saying goes: One man’s medicine is another man’s poison. Nowhere is this truer than when it comes to our different and unique responses to food. And nowhere in medicine is there more controversy, superstition, and religious fervor than there is surrounding the subject of food allergies and illness. This prevents doctors from helping millions of people suffering from allergic, inflammatory, immune, or toxic reactions to the ordinary food they consume every day.   ...

What You Need to Know About Microbial Overgrowth

Every healthy human carries trillions of bacteria in their body – a few pounds worth. The largest colonies live in our digestive system, and many beneficial species help us to survive. As long as the amount of beneficial bacteria is kept high in the body and the immune system is kept strong, then populations of potentially harmful bacteria are typically kept under control.  The health of your gut determines what nutrients you absorb and what ...

Benefits of Probiotics

Beneficial Bacteria So much of our society is obsessed today with being bacteria-free. In an effort to avoid illness and “bad bugs”(pathogens, viruses, harmful bacteria), we have created a wealth of anti-bacterial cleaners, soaps, and products. What most people don’t realize, however, is that the inside of our bodies is not sterile. Not even close! In truth, many trillions of bacteria live inside you - at least one for every cell in your human body. ...

Why Stomach Acid is Essential for Your Health

Stomach acid is good for you – but is often impaired! Normally, a healthy stomach creates a helpful and necessary, strongly acidic environment with a pH of between 1.0 and 2.5. However, there are many modern lifestyle dynamics that can lead to a lowered production of stomach acid. In particular, sustained stress or suboptimal thyroid function are both quite common and can lead to a reduction in stomach acid secretion. There are also autoimmune dynamics ...
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Embark on a 15-year journey from war-torn Baghdad to sunny Curaçao, filled with humor, surprises, and even parasites. Discover resilience and health insights as we navigate life's highs and lows, promising laughter, inspiration, and practical solutions. Grab your passport and get ready for this extraordinary escapade!

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