Why I Stopped Hustling


It’s the it word in the online world and beyond. Everyone has to hustle if they’re going to make it and to some extent that’s true. Nothing worth doing is easy. It takes a lot of hard work and persistence. But at one point does it become too much. You find yourself working 60 hours a week, your family is unhappy, and your dream of creating a business around your lifestyle seems but a distant memory.


Hustle burnout happens.

It happened to me and at the time I thought I had completely failed, but over time I saw that if I hadn’t burned out, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Last year, I had big big plans for my VA business, which I was good at, but it just wasn’t my passion. But I continued pushing myself; working all the time, putting my kids in front of the tv when I should have been spending time with them, working late and getting up early. Trying to reach that pinnacle mark that I saw so many people reaching. The allure of quicks success. Add into the equation that my husband was away for 5 months, it’s really no wonder that when I hit bottom, I hit hard.


I had lost myself to the hustle.

I had created a life full of chaos and stress, not a life I loved. I didn’t want my kids to remember me as the stressed-out mom who never had time for them.  And I certainly wasn’t taking care of myself. I decided that something had to change. I unfollowed all but a few key people that I get emails from and follow on social media, I stopped stressing about Pinterest and content and all the many things one needs to do to be an accomplished hustler. I just stopped. And the world didn’t fall apart, even if I did a little bit. I didn’t like feeling like a failure, no one does. I decided to take a deep breath and explore what I was passionate about, not just what I was good at. It was the ah-ha moment for me.

These ah-ha moments take us to the next step in the journey of self-understanding and acceptance. To start afresh does not equal failure, but is instead an opportunity. Not hustling was the best thing I could have done for myself.  When I became mindful of what I really wanted, I gained clarity, and things started happening for me. There are days where I still hustle, but I have built those days into my calendar, around my schedule. I make sure I’m getting some self-care each week, I’m there for my family more, and all around we are all so much happier.


It’s ok to hustle, but don’t get lost in it. Being mindful, taking care of your self, and getting clear will take you further than mindless hustling. Have you struggled with getting lost in the hustle?

Are your hormones and period suffering from all the hustle? Book your 15-minute call today to learn more about getting your hormone and period health back!


Why I Stopped Hustling

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Embark on a 15-year journey from war-torn Baghdad to sunny Curaçao, filled with humor, surprises, and even parasites. Discover resilience and health insights as we navigate life's highs and lows, promising laughter, inspiration, and practical solutions. Grab your passport and get ready for this extraordinary escapade!

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